Our Services

At Khan Podiatry Services, we prioritize your foot health and overall well-being. Our expert team offers personalized care for a wide range of foot conditions, from common issues to complex problems. With evidence-based treatments, we address the underlying causes to promote long-term foot health.


Discover a selection of our podiatry services below:

General Podiatric Services

This includes common conditions such as corns, callus, warts, dry skin, sweaty feet, in growing nails and other nail deformities, fungal and bacterial infections of the skin and nails, foot and lower limb pain and injuries.

Nail Surgery

Nail surgery is a common procedure performed by Podiatrists and may be done in – office. In such cases, the podiatrist may opt to remove a portion of the affected nail or perform a complete nail avulsion to alleviate the underlying condition and promote proper healing.

High Risk Assessment

Systemic conditions like Diabetes, Peripheral Arterial Disease, and Arthritis can lead to complex lower limb issues, including neuropathy, ulceration, deformity, and amputation. High-risk assessments detect affected body systems for timely management.


We specialise in producing top-notch orthotics and innersoles that are tailored to meet the specific requirements of each individual patient.

Wound Care

Appropriate wound care and offloading technique is needed in the management of various lower limb ulcerations.

Children's Podiatry

Conditions in children are best managed earlier than later. Parents are advised to seek professional advice should they be concerned of their child’s feet or walking. Common conditions seen in children include ingrowing nails, corns, warts, flat feet, toe walking, in toeing, out toeing, foot and leg pain, and bunions.

Biomechanical Examination

A detailed examination assessing the walking pattern or gait of a person, and identifying any abnormalities or stresses that may arise in the various joints that may contribute to pain or injury.